Obama Fashion Statements

Did you know that the Smithsonian Museum actually procures and collects memorabilia from various historical Presidents and First Ladies?  And, perhaps not surprising, the volume of such material associated with Obama is above-and-beyond the normal amount!  Rubinstein, the museum’s chair of the division of politics and reform said, “we’re paying more attention to and collecting more items created by individuals that tend to be personal expressions of their affinity with the new president and their own expressions of this historic event.”

The inaugural dresses worn by the First Ladies are among the many items captured by the Smithsonian.  Michelle Obama is no question a new fashion icon.  But, it goes beyond the First Lady!  Presidential-inspired apparel is the rage:

To start, here’s a cocktail dress made from Obama yard signs! (source: WSJ)

The Wall Street Journal elaborated on the ‘Trashion Trend’ highlighting a woman who has created a Men’s coat completely out of Obama campaign fliers.  Took 200+ hours to sew it!

Everyday retailers are also getting in on the action, including Chico’s:  As the WSJ shared: “The women’s apparel chain will start selling a $24 “Hope and Change” necklace at 13 Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia stores, starting (this past) Sunday. The two-tiered necklace features gold- and silver-plated charms etched with the words “Hope” and “Change.” Chico’s is stocking just 400 of the necklaces.”

And, from Barack barrettes to earrings, Shecky’s had a great spread of all types of Obama related apparel and accessories (see the full item descriptions and links to purchase here):

Are you sporting any Presidentially-inspired items?  Tell us here!